Cajero Bitcoin León
C. C. Espacio León,
Avenida del País Leones 12,
24010 Leon
Where is the Cajero Bitcoin León located?
You can find the Cajero Bitcoin León at C. C. Espacio León, Avda País Leonés 12, 24010 León. It is located on the upper floor, in the cinema area.
Reviews of the Cajero Bitcoin León
Here we present some reviews from other users who have used the Bitcoin ATM at this location. Reading their opinions can give you an idea of what to expect and how the processes work at this specific ATM.
Bitcoin León Map
You can use the map provided to find the exact location of the Bitcoin ATM in your city. To get directions, simply click on the "Get Directions" button in the top left corner of the map, and you can open navigation in Google Maps or send the instructions directly to your mobile device.
What are the operating hours of the ATM León?
This Cajero Bitcoin León operates as a shopping center: open daily from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Thanks to its extended hours, you can conduct transactions at your convenience whenever you want.
What is a Bitcoin ATM?
A Bitcoin ATM is similar to a cash ATM, but it allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with real money quickly and without complications. The significant advantage is that you do not need to have a traditional bank account or a credit/debit card to use it. It is a convenient and accessible option for anyone interested in cryptocurrencies.
BTC León: Everything You Need to Know
Bitcoin is a very convenient alternative for financial transactions, offering speed, security, and privacy. Despite this, some people may feel intimidated by the idea of using a cryptocurrency, thinking it's a complicated process. However, buying or selling bitcoin is as simple as using a physical cash ATM. If you want to learn more details about how a Bitcoin ATM works and how you can use it to buy or sell cryptocurrencies, keep reading.
How does this Bitcoin ATM work?
Here we explain how you can buy or sell bitcoins at the ATM in León. To buy bitcoins with cash, simply insert the bills into the ATM and follow the instructions on the screen. To sell bitcoins in León, select the corresponding option on the screen, scan the QR code of your wallet, and follow the instructions to withdraw the cash. It's a quick and easy process.
What can you buy with bitcoins?
Selling Bitcoin
Which cryptocurrencies are offered at the Crypto León of C.C. Espacio León?
At our cryptocurrency ATM platform, we offer a wide variety of popular cryptocurrencies that you can easily buy and sell at any of our ATMs. Some of the most traded cryptocurrencies you can find at our ATMs include:
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- USDT_TRC-20 (Tether)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Litecoin (LTC)
- Dash
What currencies are accepted at Bitcoin León? has the most commonly used currencies available in the market at all of its ATMs. Here is a list of the currencies you can insert into the machine:
- Euro (€)
- Hungarian Forint (HUF)
- Swiss Franc (CHF)
- US Dollar (USD)
- Romanian Leu (RON)
- British Pound (GBP)