Bitomat Wrocław
plnul. Kuźnicza 31
50-145 Wrocław
Bitcoin ATM Wrocław at 31 Kuźnicza Street
In Wrocław we will find three Bitcoin ATMs. All detailed information about Bitcoin ATMs in Wrocław, such as location, opening hours or maps, can be found below.
Bitcoin ATM Wrocław - opening hours
This place is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In Wrocław we will find one more Bitcoin ATM open 24/7. It is located at 5 Kleczkowska Street.
Where is the Bitcoin ATM Wrocław point?
Wrocław Bitcoin ATM is located at 31 Kuźnicza Street. The cryptocurrency ATM is located on the corner of Uniwersytecka and Kuźnicza Streets, not far from the selfieCafé.
Bitcoin ATM Wroclaw - map
A map with the exact location can be found below:
Other ATMs in Wrocław
If your device is out of cash (approx. PLN 50,000 on average) and you don't want to wait 1-2 days for it to be refilled, try other devices in the city:
- Bitcoin ATM Wroclaw - Aleja Bielany, Czekoladowa 7-9, 55-040 Bielany Wroclawskie
- Bitcoin ATM Wroclaw - Kleczkowska 5, 50-227 Wroclaw, Poland (24/7)
- Wrocław Bitcoin ATM - st. Kuznicza 31 (24/7)
Bitcoin ATM Wroclaw - location
The Wrocław Bitcoin ATM is located at 31 Kuźnicza Street. The cryptocurrency ATM is located on the corner of Uniwersytecka and Kuźnicza Streets, not far from the Selfie Café.
What cryptocurrencies can we exchange in a Bitcoin ATM?
Bitcoin ATM offers several cryptocurrencies, here they are:
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Tether (USDT)
- Litecoin (LTC)
What are Bitcoin ATMs?
Bitcoin ATMs are machines for exchanging cash for cryptocurrencies, which can be found more and more in Poland. Bitcoin ATMs are a fast, convenient and safe way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin ATMs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Poland, there are currently over 200 Bitcoin ATMs located in the largest cities.
Bitcoin ATMs in Poland are mostly owned by This company offers a wide selection of Bitcoin ATMs that can be used to make transactions with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies. The company also provides technical support and assistance in case of any problems related to Bitcoin ATMs.
How does a Bitcoin ATM work?
Bitcoin ATM works in a very simple way. Just bring your wallet closer to the Bitcoin ATM, deposit cash, select the cryptocurrency you want to buy, enter the address of the wallet to which you want to send the cryptocurrency and confirm the transaction. After confirming the transaction, the Bitcoin ATM will display a QR code that must be scanned with the wallet to confirm the transaction. After confirming the transaction, the Bitcoin ATM will send the cryptocurrency to the wallet address.
Where is the Bitcoin ATM in Wrocław?
You can find a 24/7 recommended Bitcoin ATM in Wrocław atKuźnicza 31, 50-115 Wroclaw on the corner of Uniwersytecka and Kuźnicza Streets, near the Selfie Café.In case of problems, please contact the support department at 728008004.
Bitcoin ATM Wrocław - Commission in the Bitcoin ATM ATMs offer one of the best commissions in Poland.
You can often come across the wrong statement that an investment in an ABitcoin ATM is not very profitable due to high commissions. This stereotype has nothing to do with reality. Thanks to many promotions, the commission in the Bitcoin ATM reaches even 2% compared to exchanges.
All detailed information about the current cryptocurrency rate can be found on our websitehome page. The cost of using a Bitcoin ATM depends on the amount of cryptocurrency we want to buy. In the case of the Bitcoin ATM, the commission is from 0 to 3%. Very often, the company offers promotions where the commission may be lower. To take advantage of the promotion, follow the company's social media channels or website.
Bitcoin ATM security
Bitcoin ATMs operate on the basis of an encrypted connection to the Internet, thanks to which they are completely safe. All transactions are encrypted and protected against fraud. Bitcoin ATMs are also equipped with cameras that record the faces of people at the Bitcoin ATM. This allows crime to be prevented. Bitcoin ATMs are monitored around the clock, so all transactions are completely safe.
Bitcoin ATM Wrocław - Summary
Bitcoin ATMs are a fast, convenient and safe way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin ATMs are available 24/7, and the commission ranges from 0 to 3%. Bitcoin ATMs are equipped with cameras that prevent crime. Bitcoin ATMs are easy to use and available in many cities in Poland.